Wild Hunt Legsplitter

Integrated into the depleted forces of the Wild Hunt, the fawn riders quickly found that the gorm's powerful mandibles were perfect for cutting down close enemy ranks.

Riding Requirements:

  • This mount is available to all eligible characters on your account.
  • Level 10
  • Apprentice Riding


This green gorm is a possible reward from a War Chest of the Wild Hunt, which is awarded for completing Night Fae Assaults in The Maw. These assaults are available to players of any covenant.

Introduced in:

Patch 9.1

Travel Mode:

  • Ground (+60% or +100% speed)
Speed depends on your riding skill.
Wild Hunt Legsplitter Wild Hunt Legsplitter Wild Hunt Legsplitter

Other Mounts Using the Same Model:

Include unused mounts / looks
Wild Hunt Legsplitter taught by Legsplitter War Harness