Drake of the West Wind
Harnessing the elemental powers of the storm, these majestic beasts crackle like lightning and roar like thunder.
Riding Requirements:
- This mount is available to all eligible characters on your account.
- Level 10
- Apprentice Riding (ground)
- Expert Riding (flying)
Quartermaster Brazie in Baradin Base Camp, Tol Barad Peninsula. Requires Exalted with Baradin's Wardens.
Pogg in Hellscream's Grasp, Tol Barad Peninsula. Requires Exalted with Hellscream's Reach.
- Cost: 200
(reputation discounts apply for some factions)
Introduced in:
Patch 4.0.3aTravel Mode:
- Ground (+60% or +100% speed)
- Flying (+150%, +280% or +310% speed)